- The registered office shall be situated at Lucknow, address- 1/9 Vastu Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow.
- Aim and objects: The I.O R. A aims at :
- To create awareness among Orthopaedic Surgeons for proper treatment & newer development in this Field. As there are very few Medical Rheumatologist all over India patients have been going to Orthopaedic Surgeons for Joint pain Management, hence there has to be proper Training for the Disease(for both Medical & Surgical reasons)
- To reuse, favour and stimulate all efforts to do Research .
- To Create and develop international scientific relation with Rheumatology.
- To elaborate, deepen and radiate the knowledge acquired in the domain and impart to those who ask for it.
- To represents that branch of medical knowledge at National& International level.
- To do all sorts of work related with the aforesaid Field.
- Membership : Life Member: All life members should be Orthopaedic Surgeons only & should be entitled as of right to participate in all the Activities of the society luding the right to vote and shall also be entitled to receive the Journal .Membership fees –2000/
Membership at the association may cease:
- By voluntary resignation as frame a specific date.
- In case of any misconduct done by member the resolution terminating such membership may be passed by a majority of not less then three- fourth of the members of the office bearers & if such resolution of the office bearers meeting by a two-thirds majority.
- No member shall question the reasonableness or otherwise of a resolution passed under clause 5, sub clause. (b) and shall submit to it provide that he shall have been served with a notice in writing at least three calendar month before action is taken by the Secretary, informing him of such action and provided that he shall have been given as opportunity to present his case to the office bearers.
- FOUNDATION MEMBERS: Members of the Society who assisted in its Formations shall be know as” Foundation Members” A small General body meeting of Orthopaedic surgeon was held in July 2008 at Mumbai where the Foundation members of Association has selected the Office Bearers and decided that the Head quarter will be at Lucknow & Dr Manish hanna will be the Secretary General.
- PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERSHIP All life members shall be entitled as of right to participate in all the the activities of the society including the right to vote and shall also be entitled to receive ” The Journal of Orthopaedic Rheumatology” free of all charges during continuance of membership .
- The Annual General body meeting of the society shall be held at the time & place to be notified by the Secretary / Secretary General and such annual meetings shall be held within 18 months after the previous one 3 unless the office bearers by a majority resolve otherwise. The meeting can be called on a requisition made by five members of General body & shall be called by Secretary/ Secretary General at a notice of 15 days.
- The secretary shall circulate by post to all the members of the society the Annual report and a statement of audited accounts of out going year. The annual report shall include the minutes of last General body meeting.
- For Catering to the needs and requirement of the annual meeting the General body shall appoint a local Organising Secretary or secretaries.
- The management of the association shall be vested in a Governing body one (subject to the provision of Rule 15) consisting of :-
- President elected by the General Body ,tenure will be one/two years as decided by management.
- Secretary General has already being elected by the Foundation members, orthopaedic Surgeons of General body. In order to provide stability to the society and its journals, as the Headquarter is in Lucknow, the first Secretary (who will be known as Secretary General) will hold his office as Founder Secretary General or he Voluntarily resigns & in place of him his Nominee shall be the Secretary of the association.. He however can also later appoint Secretary who will work with him but Secretary General should continue to manage the Headquarter .Secretary general after some years can give IORA Secretary ship responsibilities to the newly appointed Secretary but he will take care of the Association as Emeritus President of the association The tenure of the secretary post will be for three years
- Editor elected by the General body.
- Treasurer elected by General Body, will hold office for a minimum period of 5 years , should be from the Headquarter which is in Lucknow & his period can be renewed if necessary.
- 6Executive Committee Members elected by the General body.
- The following ex-office members:
The president or Presidents who held office as such during the two preceding years.
The immediate past secretary
- Six members in addition to the president shall be elected by the General body to the office bearers and they shall hold office for a period of two years.
- The Secretary/Secretary General shall not less than there months before the holding of the annual meeting referred to above, to invite nominations for election.
- On receipt of such nominations the Secretary shall post the ballot papers to every member entitled to vote at least six weeks before the annual meeting with instructions as to the voting and the date before which they have to reach him (the Secretary)
- The election referred to above shall be the secret ballot ie by the collection from the voters of the ballet papers upon which they put ‘X’ against name of Candidate or Candidates they approve. Each voter may 5 exercise as many votes as there are vacancies provided that no member may give more than one vote for.
- A voter may, if he desires send his voting through bearer or by post.
- The counting of Votes shall be done by the Scrutinisers appointed by the association at time & place fixed by it& the results of the Voting shall be announced at the Annual meeting.
- The president shall also be elected by the General body and shall hold the office until a successor is elected by the General body after two years.
- Nominations for the office of the presidents shall be from the members of the existing or past Governing bodies or from among the members of not less then five years standing in the association.
- The Hony. Secretary shall not less than three months before the holding of Annual Governing body meeting invite nominations for the election of the President ship.
- After Scrutiny of the nominations, the Hony Secretary shall post the ballot papers containing the names of the valid nominations to every member entitled to vote at least 6 weeks before the annual general body meeting with instructions.
- No member shall give more than one vote at election.
- Selected members of the Governing body shall not hold such office continuously for more than two terms.
- The office bearers shall meet at least once a years before holding the annual meeting.
- Any five member shall from the quorum.
- The President when present shall preside at all the meeting of the Governing Body and in his absence any senior members shall preside.
- The Secretary General at his Discretion may designate or appoint Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon as Advisors to IORA.
- In Every case of voting the President will have a vote; every case of tie the President shall have an additional or casting vote.
- Secretary General should keep record of all the proceedings of the meetings of the Governing Body and all accounts and records shall be open to Inspection by any member of the Governing Body.
- The Powers of the Office Bearers will be as under:
- President- To preside the meetings of general Body. To give directions to the Secretary to call the Meetings.
- Secretary- General Secretary should be Chief Executive head of The Society. He shall function for And on behalf of the Society during the absence of the Governing Body.
- All the Executive business of the Society shall be carried by him
- All documents, conveyances, contracts shall be made by the Secretary General for the time being .
- The Secretary General and the Treasurer shall jointly hold Cheque book, notes bills and other negotiable instruments & both or Secretary General can Operate Bank Accounts
- The Secretary General can assign any work ,duties if required in the interest of the Association to Secretary (Post to be created later on), Jt secretary, Treasurer & any of Executive Committee Member .
- All the office Bearers shall function under his Guidance & control.
- The Association shall sue and be Sued in the name of the Secretary General.
- Resolution regarding management and administration shall ordinarilty bind the society. The Books and accounts of the society shall be audited manually.
- The society may publish a journal called “Indian Orthopaedic Rheumatology Journal” under the direction of an Editorial Board elected by the General Body from the members of IORA & consisting of Editor –in- Chief, Associate Editors. The period of office of a member of the editorial Board with, the exception of the Editor-In – Chief shall be four years and the members eligible for election. If required the Secretary General can be the Editor-in chief of the Journal published by the Association.
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